SCENARIO present
22% of aspirational entrepreneurs who plan to start their business in the next 12 months have access to formal or informal training to start a business - which is much lower than the Asia average of 44%. Even though India has some high-profile entrepreneurs who can serve as inspirational icons, there are not many who offer success stories from which aspiring entrepreneurs can learn.

01 Problem
India lags behind providing access convenient for the skilled entrepreneurs with the incubators or accelerators and there exists a big gap of availability, opportunities & mentorship which needs to be fulfilled.
02 Approach
While the country boasts of a sizeable number of incubators and accelerators, the ecosystem needs to be strengthened in order to improve the survival rate of startups, spur growth and build profitable companies.
03 Solution
Engaging Flexible Collaborative Platform with Opportunities where Entrepreneurs, startups have the advantage to interact, to explore and attend to webinars and AMA sessions with industry experts.

Culture To Encourage
Given that the vast majority of startups fail, Indian business culture must begin to examine its tolerance for founders’ missteps – and encourage the knowledge gained from failure to be applied to future success.
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